Taking Off - the AAAI blog
Yesterday's Papers: Aviation Archives Conference
Following on from the successful Aviation Archives
Conference at Aerospace Bristol in February 2020, this free on-line
half-day conference is for everyone who cares for the sector's
paper-based and electronic heritage collections in museums, both large
and small, and are looking for guidance and suggestions on the way
It aims to highlight the importance of these records and inspire practical ways forward in preserving and promoting them to a wide variety of new and established audiences.
Speakers include:
Mike Rogers - “What’s in that box?” - an introduction to cataloguing.
Peter Davison – “Vapour Trails need Paper Trails” – examples of successful cataloguing.
Caroline Bendix – “Volunteering in archives and libraries” - your valuable role in conserving our heritage
Tony Pilmer – “Conserving and protecting archives” - some practical ideas
The conference will
also introduce the Aerospace
and Aviation Archives Initiative (AAAI) and its work. The
AAAI comprises representatives from organisations, museums and corporate
collections and aims to promote the preservation of, and access to,
Britain’s records relating to aerospace and aviation.
To book your place, visit Eventbrite and order your ticket
Instructions on how to join the Zoom conference will be sent to all
attendees on 10th and 11th May
Rochester Avionics Archives presentation on Youtube!
Webinar on Rochester Avionics Archive
Please save the date and join us for a webinar on 2 February, 2pm-3.30pm, to discover more the creation, management, and future plans of the Rochester Avionics Archive.
Places are free https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-rochester-avionic-archives-tickets-136420323861
Note that you will not be sent the log-in details until a few days before the event (so please don’t worry if you only receive an email confirming your booking when you register now!).
this event:
This event is organised by the Aviation and Aerospace Archives Initiative. It will begin with a pre-recorded talk given by Chris Bartlett of Rochester Avionics Archive, located at BAE Systems’ Rochester site. Chris will tell the story of the establishment of the collection of objects and archival material by a group of ex-employees, who now manage both on a voluntary basis. He will also discuss how they have become an important resource supporting the company and business of BAE Systems. The talk will conclude with a showcase of some of the highlights of the collection.
will then be live in discussion with Tony Pilmer, Librarian and Archivist at
the Royal Aeronautic Society, to talk more about Rochester Avionics Archive and
to take questions from the audience. There will also be a chance to hear about
the latest activities of the Aviation and Aerospace Archives Initiative.
Rochester Avionics Archive:
The BAE Systems site at Rochester has gone through many changes of name and can trace its ancestry back to the original company founded by William Elliott in 1804; to many people the site is still known as ‘Elliotts’. The large collection of avionic hardware items together with an archive of films, documents, videos, brochures and newspapers goes back to 1950 but was brought together in 2005.
About Chris Bartlett:
Chris joined BAE SYSTEMS in 1972 and was involved in the design, development and programme management of avionics. His final position with BAE Systems was as Chief Technologist with responsibility for the strategic development of technologies into current or new business areas. He is a chartered engineer and recipient of a Lifetime Achievement Medal from the Institution of Engineering and Technology. He took early retirement in 2005 and led on the establishment of Rochester Avionics Archive, where he is now Curator.

Armstrong Whitworth Argosy II, City of Edinburgh, of Imperial Airways at Croydon Airport. Image courtesy of NAL/RAeS
International Civil Aviation Day, 7 December 2020
It’s International Civil Aviation Day! And what better way to mark it in 2020 than with the hundredth anniversary of the opening of London Terminal Aerodrome - Croydon Airport.
More here
Allied Forces Heritage Group
The new Allied Forces Heritage Group website, http://www.afheritage.org/, which went online on Saturday, is a wonderful resource with some fascinating stories from the aviation history of the World Wars.
Its ‘Projects’ section offers an initial first 16 of a series of ongoing research, stories and projects which will grow into a useful resource for modern history, bringing together personal experiences, often in the words of those who experienced them, within the historical context of the world-shaking events going on around them.
Sir Freddie Laker's archive wins cataloguing grant
On 7 August
the Business Archives Council announced that a business archives cataloguing
grant had been awarded to West Sussex Record Office for the Sir Freddie Laker
Archive. The archive documents the rise and fall of Laker Airways and Skytrain
and provides important insights into the UK’s aviation and social history in the
20th century. The grant will allow the archive to be fully catalogued and for that
catalogue to be made available to researchers online.
Founded in 1966, Laker Airways was a small independent aviation firm which owed its success to its charismatic owner, Sir Freddie Laker. Laker Airways paved the way for budget airlines such as Ryanair and easyJet and challenged the dominance of long-haul flights by such giants as British Airways and Pan Am. Laker’s innovative Skytrain concept, launched in 1977, did not require advance reservations and provided low-price flights which proved hugely popular. Laker Airways went bankrupt in 1982, but went on to pursue a successful antitrust suit against some of the large airlines, arguing that they had slashed their fares to below-cost levels to drive Laker Airways and Skytrain out of business.
The archive dates from 1956 to 2004 and includes Freddie Laker’s appointment diaries (1962-83), a collection of press cuttings (1966-82), annual reports and accounts (1970s-80s), Laker’s office filing (1970s-80s), hundreds of letters sent to Laker following the collapse of his company, and legal documents relating to the antitrust case brought against British Airways, Pan Am, TWA and others in 1985.
The Business Archives Council, which awarded the cataloguing grant, was established in 1934 to promote the preservation of business records of historical importance; supply advice and information on business archives and modern records; and encourage the study of business history and archives. A registered charity led by archive professionals and academics, the Council produces a quarterly electronic newsletter, organises an annual conference, awards a business history prize and archive cataloguing grants, maintains the Managing Business Archives website (at https://managingbusinessarchives.co.uk) and supports the national business archives crisis management team.
For more information on the award of the grant see: https://www.businessarchivescouncil.org.uk/activitiesobjectives/catgrant/
Aviation Archives guidance online!
We are delighted to be able to launch our archives guidance.
It has been written primarily for the benefit of non-professional archivists who care for archival material relating to any aspect of aviation and aerospace: manufacturers, operators, heritage bodies, enthusiasts and researchers alike.
The guidance was prepared by Dr Mike Rogers of The National Archives, with the assistance of the other members of the AAAI Documentation Subcommittee (Malcolm Fillmore, Barry Guess and Andrew Lewis).
More here.
Read about the aviation archives conference held at Aerospace Bristol in the June issue of Aerospace!
In this month’s Aerospace magazine there is an article based on our recent aero archives conference in Bristol and, for those who don’t get the magazine though their door or via the app, a version of the article can be seen here: https://www.aerosociety.com/news/to-infinity-and-beyond-preserving-aviation-heritage/